Jocelyn Sher / Starforce II

Daughter of Bob Hawkins and Judith Shapiro, conceived during 'Extinction Event', first seen in 'The Manifestation', promoted to recurring character in 'The Destroyer Wars'

Character sheet: all
  • Captain Obvious Reveal: If you haven't figured out by the end of "The Manifestation" that she's Bob Hawkins' daughter, you haven't been paying attention.
  • Comic Book Fantasy Casting: Salli Richardson
  • Early Bird Cameo: Name-dropped by her mother at the beginning of 'The First Dimensional War', gets speaking lines in 'The Manifestation', and finally becomes a regular cast member in 'The Destroyer Wars'
  • Establishing Character Moment: Two, actually:
    • attacking her stepsister Kara Lerner with a fire extinguisher in 'The Manifestation' in an attempt to suppress her out-of-control pyrokinetic powers
    • Suggesting that Doctor Destroyer's own teleportation web be used to strip Tartarus of its Destroyertech and transfer it to an UNTIL lab in the Epilogue of 'The Prisoner of Doctor Destroyer'
  • Hollywood Hacking: Actually done semi-realistically in 'World War VIPER', as she finds an unlocked console with root access into VIPER's Serpentine Network and uses it long enough to bootsrap Jillian Hawkins in for the final takedown.
  • In The Blood: Shares her father's abilities with both science and music.
  • Jumped at the Call: Within two months of learning Bob Hawkins was her father, she had built her first battlesuit.
  • Raven Hair, Ivory Skin: Bears an uncanny resemblence to her mother, whom Bob Hawkins once compared favorably to the Tolkien character LĂșthien TinĂșviel. Because of being raised in Israel, she is actually closer to ambiguously brown than Tolkien's description, however.
  • Statuesque Stunner: At 5'11", she towers over her boyfriend Blink of the Justice Squadron.