Laura Julia Hawkins (Renton) / Chrona

Daughter of Bob and Julie, born 11/28/1994

Character sheet: all
  • Caffeine Bullet Time: We see some of this in operation when she attacks Menton in 'Force of Will'
  • Statuesque Stunner: In 'Cliques', she is described as having at least 4 to 5 inches of height on Marcy Hollister and her posse the first time they confront each other, which makes her at least 5'10".
  • The Dreaded Pretend Tea Party: Used to do this with Holo-D a LOT while a child.
  • Time Stands Still: What she did to Baron Nihil in 'Fields of Saguenay'. As an infant.
    • Also did it to Lucas Steele in 'Cliques' when he attempted to rape her
    • Dominus induces this in 'Anniversary' in an attempt to provoke a war between the Terran Confederation and the Varanyi Empire. The consequences of this are still being experienced in 'A Parting Glass' almost six decades later
  • Traumatic Superpower Awakening: Baron Nihil does this to her when she is only 17 months old in 'Fields of Saguenay'. He lives to regret it.