Crowning Moments of Awesome

People's mileage will vary on what exactly constitutes a Crowning Moment of Awesome within the TASK FORCE stories. For what it's worth, here are my nominations for TASK FORCE's most face-meltingly awesome moments, arranged chronologically.

  • Kent dispelling the tornado in 'You All Meet In A Lab'. More of an Offscreen Moment of Awesome, as the narrative viewpoint in that scene is on Starforce shielding Julie from the storm
  • Megaterak throwing the USS Los Angeles across the Uraga Channel in 'Megaterak Raids Again'
  • Ladyhawk defeating Zorran the Artificer on top of the Tokyo Tower in 'Megaterak Raids Again'. Lemurian Magitek versus a smoke bomb, a pack of marbles and an ungodly Ventriloquism roll -- and it wasn't even close.
  • Biomaster covering TASK FORCE's takeoff from the VIPER Safe House in '72 Hours'
  • Starforce and Ladyhawk escaping the VTOL in '72 Hours' as Doctor Destroyer's missiles hit it.
  • Starforce's soliloquy duel with VIPER's Nest Leader for Dayton, OH at the climax of 'The City That VIPER Built'.
  • Biomaster rescuing TASK FORCE from the Morbane's summoning in 'O Little Town'
  • Ladyhawk facing down Grand Inquisitor Vashyyl in 'The Varanyi Civil War'
  • in the very next scene of 'The Varanyi Civil War', Ladyhawk faces down T'Nereq on her true feelings toward Vikon, then for an encore schools her on a finer point of political science
  • Spiritual Warrior and Mr. Bassman destroying the Focusing Agent in 'The Varanyi Civil War', which not only will prevent Tlokon from harvesting Humanity's vast psionic potential but also takes out Tlokon's army in the process
  • Vikon coming to Starforce and Ladyhawk's rescue in the Throne Room at the climax of 'The Varanyi Civil War' -- which is then promptly averted by Starforce killing Tlokon.
  • Shina Arikawa double-tapping Draconis in 'The Legacy of Doctor Destroyer' as he is about to suffocate both Starforce and Ladyhawk
  • Julie facing down Rochemont and his entire squad with no armor and only a superheavy blaster rifle during the climax of 'Ghosts from the Past'
  • Ladyhawk's combat landing of Rochemont's VTOL at the beginning of UNTIL's assault on al-Muhsanat Jawhira in 'The Jewel of Awad'
  • Bob's speech to the UN General Assembly as they are about to surrender to Istvatha V'Han in "The First Dimensional War."
  • Vikon pulling off the ultimate Gunship Rescue moment when the entire Varanyi Battle Line downwarps into the Solar System at the climax of "The First Dimensional War"
  • The construction -- and usage -- of the toaster-modified VIPER pulson rifle in 'What Happens in Vegas...'. Doubles as Crazy Awesome, Crowning Moment of Funny, and Refuge in Audacity all at the same time
  • Speaking of Refuge in Audacity, how about Lady Blue being debriefed by Ranger in "Black Ops" while calmly eating Room Service in his hotel room? After committing a crime?
  • Jocelyn Sher taking on her superpowered step-sister Kara Lerner with only a fire extinguisher in 'The Manifestation.' And winning.
  • Captain Chronos out-intimidating Istvatha V'Han in part 2 of "V'Han Returns"
  • Captain Chronos facing down Doctor Destroyer during their first encounter in 'Leap Day.' Not because he did it, but because he was so casual about the whole confrontation
  • The Pyramid of the Sun sequence at the climax of 'Leap Day' for Doctor Destroyer, Ladyhawk, and Starforce is an extended CMoA for all three.
  • Jillian Hawkins pwning Sennacherib in 'The Prisoner of Doctor Destroyer'
  • Starforce one-shotting Menton in 'Force of Will,' mostly because of the acting job he put on to make Menton believe his mind control was working just to line up the killshot.
  • Starforce defeating Firewing in 'Malva Awakens' by throwing most of the eastern branch of Lake Lewisville at him.
  • Ladyhawk vs. Fiacho, during 'A Week at Davos'
  • Ladyhawk, Starforce, Tetsuronin, and the Countess vs. Humongous Mechanon at the climax of "Mechanon, Inc."
  • Julie tricking Governor Sutherland into an Engineered Public Confession at the Dayton Presidential Debate in 'Citizen Hawkins'
  • Nine words: "Julie Dormyer Hawkins, 45th President of the United States."
  • Ladyhawk's Single Stroke Battle versus General McAdams in the Oval Office during "Coup d'Etat". Two katanas and an energy shuriken set for flash-bang versus a semiautomatic blaster rifle -- and it wasn't even close.
  • Ladyhawk's duel with the Supreme Serpent in 'World War VIPER.' Full stop.